Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on June 14, 2018
63% say the need for multiple management tools halt multi-cloud strategies. Yet, 32% of those able to pursue a managed multi-cloud approach report cost savings.
Guildford, U.K. – New research released today by WinMagic shows that 87% IT Decision Makers (ITDMs) limit their use of the cloud because of the complexity of managing regulatory compliance.
A quarter (24%) said, it meant as a result, they only work with a single cloud vendor in their infrastructure, rather than exploit the benefits of a multi-cloud environment, such as cost effectiveness, flexibility, reliability, security and avoiding vendor lock-in.
Hands tied by management tools
The survey, which spoke to ITDMs in Germany, India, the UK and US, also noted that 63% felt the need to use multiple infrastructure management tools was also a hugely restricting factor in their use of multiple cloud vendors.
Looking specifically at managing security compliance across the enterprise, over a quarter (28%) stated they would “not be completely confident” IT systems met all the required processes and standards if an audit was called “today”. 7% went as far as to say there was “a high risk of them failing.”
Good security compliance benefits highlighted
On the positive-side, platform-agnostic management tools that enable enterprises to implement solid security and compliance policies across on-premises and cloud providers are bringing proven benefits. ITDMs reported a number of benefits in terms of efficiency and cost savings:
- 63% improved the efficiency of their systems
- 57% now had enforced compliance across the infrastructure
- 56% say they are more secure
- 32% have made measurable cost savings
- 30% believe their risk exposure is lower
“The benefits of good security management tools are clear in the survey, but the pain caused by poor tools even more so, with companies restricted on their infrastructure choices and placed at greater risk of regulatory fines,” said Mark Hickman, Chief Operating Officer at WinMagic. “But poor security compliance is so much more dangerous, putting company data at risk of data breaches, both accidental and through theft, by hackers or even employees. WinMagicSecureDocCloudVM offers a common platform with less complexity, more flexibility and that is highly secure on the widest range of virtualised and cloud environments, freeing ITDMs to pursue a multi-cloud mixed infrastructure and all the benefits that come with it.”