Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on April 4, 2012
Report Recognizes World Bank as Leader in Transparency and for Contribution to Multilateral System
The World Bank welcomes the findings of the Australian Multilateral Assessment launched today. The World Bank Group is ranked as a leading organization by criteria analyzing results, relevance and the organizational behavior of 42 multilateral development organizations reviewed in the report.
The World Bank Group was ranked the most effective organization in three out of the seven criteria, including: transparency and accountability (World Bank); strategic management and performance (International Finance Corporation, the World Bank Group’s private sector arm); and contribution to the wider multilateral development system (World Bank). Overall the World Bank was ranked ‘very strong’ or ‘strong’ in six out of seven criteria, including delivering results on poverty and sustainable development; alignment with Australia’s aid priorities and, cost and value consciousness.
“We are pleased the Australian Multilateral Assessment has rated the World Bank in the top tier of multilateral organizations, recognizing our effectiveness and that we offer ‘good value for money,’ said Cyril Muller, Vice President for External Affairs at the World Bank. “We value the feedback and will use this to further strengthen the results we achieve for the poor and vulnerable.”
Australia and the World Bank have worked together to deliver results for the world’s poor. Australia is a key contributor to the International Development Association, the World Bank’s fund for the poorest countries. Since 2000 the International Development Association has supported the immunization of 310 million children in poor countries (over 60 times the number of children in Australia) and helped provide 47 million people (more than twice the population of Australia) with access to basic health, nutrition or family planning services.
The partnership has also delivered results in Australia’s neighborhood, the Pacific. This includes support for telecommunications that has given over one million people access to mobile telephones; the maintenance or restoration of over 1,300 km of roads in Papua New Guinea, and 47 village infrastructure projects benefiting more than 50,000 people in Solomon Island’s remote rural communities.
Australia has demonstrated a strong commitment to increase the impact and effectiveness of its aid program and the World Bank Group will continue to work with Australia to deliver education, health, roads and improved livelihoods to those who need it most. The World Bank Group places a high premium on results, accountability and openness, and is committed to continually improving its performance.
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