Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on January 15, 2017
Anyone who spends even a small amount of time on the internet would have heard about Reddit. It is among the most popular sites in the United States and Reddit calls itself the ‘front page of the internet’. People share posts, content or news on the myriad forums available on the site. If you check out a popular thread you will see the likes and up-votes are edited to Reddit gold. Are you wondering what that is? Read on to learn more about it.
Reddit has a tradition of giving gold to comments which are funny, insightful, hysterical, heart touching or even horrific. It is a way the Reddit community rewards people for posting quality content. Behind all this, Reddit Gold is a Premium membership that is offered to its users. Annually it costs $29.99 and monthly $ 3.99 and can also be to give it as a gift to other members as for a good post or simply because you like or don’t like them. It also offers many benefits to its members.
Benefits of Reddit Gold:
Reddit has a traffic of 46 million new visitors and about 3.8 billion page views. This program was launched as an alternative solution to cover the server costs of such huge traffic instead of running more advertisements. Though launched in 2010, there were very few benefits offered for this program, but lately, they are offering many benefits to enhance the growth of the site and also to make money from it, enabling it to be free from traditional ads. The benefits of Reddit gold are
- Offers: Reddit members who have this premier membership can avail a range of offers from its partners which ranges from gardening tools to clothing. They have also launched a ‘Golden Tikkit’ offer which is an incentive program where a member with Reddit Gold is chosen every week for a prize from retailer Uniqlo.
- Filter option on subreddits.
- Enhanced count of loading comments from 500 which is the default to 1500.
- Can get rid of themes on subreddit
- R/Lounge access which helps to get rid of spams and trolls.
- Based on the number of glidings given out by the gliders, they are given trophies which can be displayed on the glider’s profile.
- Allows to sort and save your favorite comments based on the subreddit that it can from originally.
How to give Reddit gold?
If you like the response of a Redditor and want to give that person Reddit Gold, then it’s quite simple to do it. Click on the username which results in a Menu with many options. Choose the option ‘Give Gold’. That results in another page opening up with different options, select ‘gift this Reddit gold to a user’ and enter the username and then complete the checkout process.
Reddit Gold is a premium membership where the member is provided some benefits like no ads, new comments are highlighted, r/lounge access, and much more. In terms of return on investment, it’s not a worth the money if you are an occasional user but you can do it as a support to the site.