Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on August 21, 2020
About the Bank
History, Foundation and Existence of the Bank
SPARKASSE BANK MAKEDONIJA AD Skopje as a commercial bank offers a wide range of banking products and services, intended for support, development and financing of retail and corporate clients. As client-oriented, the Bank is present on the Macedonian financial market with 27-years tradition and experience in bankingsector.
SPARKASSE BANK MAKEDONIJA AD Skopje, with its own head office in Skopje, located at Makedonija Street 34, was founded as a shareholding company on the 29th of December 1992, when the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia issued the licence to INVESTBANKA AD SKOPJE for establishing as commercial bank, with shareholding structure consisted of 72% domestic capital and 28% foreign capital.The roots of the bank are funded since 1977 when it operated as a branch office of INVESTBANKA Beograd, which has own tradition in banking industry since 1862.
After the monetary independence of the Republic of North Macedonia INVESTBANKA AD Skopje was among the first two banks which obtained licence for banking operations from the National Bank. Together with five other banks in Macedonia initiated and founded the Macedonian Stock Exchange and she was the first bank in Macedonia which founded its own brokerage company – Investbroker AD Skopje. INVESTBANKA AD Skopje was the first bank that obtained the licence for domestic payment operations in Macedonia and among the first two banks that introduced the e-banking operating services. Since 1998 the Bank was the only provider of IFAD 1 credit line with special division – Revolving credit fund and approved the first loan from IFAD 2 credit line for agricultural development in Macedonia.
With the transaction on the 10th of September 2008, more than 96% of the Bank’s ownership passed into the hands of Steiermärkische Sparkasse Group. During 2009, the Bank went through a transformation process according to the standards of Steiermärkische Sparkasse and Erste Group, which contributed in forming a modern way of organizing the Bank’s performances. Respecting all legal regulations in the state and the principles of the Bank’s business policy, she fulfilled the promises to her shareholders, providing entry of a known financial brand as Steiermärkische Sparkassefrom Graz, Austria.
An important part of the transformation process was also the change of the name of the Bank from INVESTBANK AD Skopje in SPARKASSE BANK MAKEDONIJA AD Skopje in the first quarter of 2010 and followed re-branding process till the end of the year.
In the following years the Bank focused its operations on creating attractive financial offers of new products tailor made according the needs of every member in the family and ensuring progressive care for the clients. The new slogan “Bank of your family” means that the Bank is considering the needs of every member of the family, from the youngest to the eldest.
Sparkasse Bank Makedonija – tradition, reliability and trust!
Tradition, reliability and trust are synonymous with Sparkasse Bank Makedonija, durable values that are part of our and your everyday life, part of our common success. They give us the right to believe in a common future and in the realization of efficient and modern banking. Proof of this statement is the confidence expressed through the achieved results in the past years and the continuous development of the Bank. The bank ended the past 2019 with assets of over 397.5 million euros and nearly 60,000 active clients receiving top banking services in 26 most modern branches throughout Macedonia.
Our mother bank Staermerkische Sparkasse, through the long-standing tradition of nearly two centuries, is a synonym for stability and continuity in the work with a built-in brand Sparkasse with red S.
The red sign S means:
– Reliability, trust and tradition, which makes it a trusted partner for employees and clients;
– A solid business model of a strong and successful group that is resistant to crisis;
– An economically successful concept that follows the principles of social responsibility.
Steiermaerkische Sparkasse Group, with total assets of 17.1 billion euros, 259 branches and regional centers, about 3,180 employees and about 795,273 clients in Styria and Southeast Europe (according to data from the end of 2019) is the largest regional bank in the south of Austria.
The Group has a long-term and sustainable investment strategy in the region, which makes it a trusted partner and investor behind Sparkasse Bank Makedonija. As a member of Erste and Steiermaerkische Sparkasse Group, Sparkasse Bank Makedonija is part of the strongest group of banks focused on working with individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe.
Our mission and vision
VISION: a modern bank that meets our clients’ expectations and creates new values for its employees and shareholders.
MISION: positioning among the first three banks in the market by the option of its clients, a bank that realizes their needs and projects.
Key strategic objective of the Bank for the next five-year period is to continue the process of developing stable and profitable bank, in which the clients recognize a reliable and credible long-term partner mainly through insuring its clients “best customer experience”. Our objective is to exceed our clients’ expectations and build partner relation based on mutual trust and long-term cooperation.
Our strategy
The Bank’s focus incorporated in this Business Policy and Development Plan remains positioned on creating value added for our main target groups:
- Our clients – we build strong and long-term connection with our clients who are in the center of our operations through securing long-term benefits and providing experience different from that offered by other banks;
- Our shareholders – strengthening the capital and securing long-term stable operation of the Bank through continuous provision of adequate rate of return, accepting acceptable risk level and sound decisions on resource allocation;
- Our employees – educated, trained and motivated employees to improve the service quality for the clients and to enhance the operation;
- The community – raising social responsibility awareness through participation in existing and introducing new innovative projects important for the community.