Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on April 19, 2018
+34.6% compared to the ordinary dividend distributed in 2017 equal to €59.9 million, corresponding to €0.35 per share
SIA’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, held yesterday under the chairmanship of Giuliano Asperti with the participation of 93.35%of the Company’s capital, approved the balance sheet for the financial year 2017 and the distribution of the dividend.
The Shareholders’ Meeting decided to distribute an ordinary dividend for the financial year 2017 of€59.9 million, corresponding to €0.35 for each of the 171,343,227 shares. Said dividends will be paid starting from 23 April 2018.
Last year the shareholders received ordinary dividends of €44.55 million, equal to €0.26 for each of the 171,343,227 shares.
The Shareholders’ Meeting also appointed Roberto Giacchi as a Member of the Board of Directors, replacing Marco Siracusano who tended his resignation, and confirmed Giacomo Riccitelli who had already been cooptated during the Meeting held on 30 November. Both will remain in office up to the approval of the 2019 balance sheet.
The 2017 financial year of SIA S.p.A. closed with revenues of €403.4 million and an EBITDA of €114.6million, the operating result reached €88.5 million while net profit was €63.4 million.
In 2017, Group revenues rose to €567.2 million and EBITDA increased to €179.8 million. Also up is EBIT at €108.5 million, the pre-tax result is €100.1 million while net profit at Group level is €80.1 million.
The achievement of these results was made possible thanks to the quality of the solutions offered and the absolute reliability in the management of “mission-critical” infrastructures, with service availability levels of the highest standards on the market.
In 2017 SIA Group handled overall the clearing of 13.1 billion payments (+7% compared to 2016), 6.1billion card transactions (+41.1%) and 3.3 billion payment transactions (+7.1%) relating to credit transfers and collections.
On the financial markets, the number of trading and post-trading transactions rose to 56.2 billion from 47.4 billion in 2016, an increase of 18.8%.
SIA handled a volume of traffic of over 784 terabytes of data, up 19.8% compared to 2016, on the 174,000 km of the SIAnet network, with total infrastructure availability and 100% service levels.