Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on May 26, 2016
Two of Europe’s biggest players in digital and blockchain payments, Nets and Coinify respecvely, are joining forces where Coinify will develop integrated blockchain soluons for Nets.
Nets has entered into a partnership with fintech company Coinify by establishing a ‘Blockchain Development Lab’ in order to idenfy business opportunies in the field of blockchain technology. The partnership involves cooperang with internaonally renowned experts in this field of technology with the intenon to develop a number of proof of concepts as the basis for developing specific products and services.
Coinify ApS is the largest facilitator of blockchain payments in Europe and supports more than 20 payment service providers reaching over 100,000 online businesses. Coinify payments support up to 17 blockchain currencies and offer payouts to their customers in local currencies. At the same me, Coinify also provides consumer and corporate trading of digital currencies, such as bitcoin. As such, Coinify is the leading provider of blockchain payment services in Europe and Asia, and is among the top four worldwide in this field.
“We see potenal in blockchain technology, so obviously we need to gain a thorough understanding of it and the possibilies it offers. Coinify is a leader in the development of products based on this technology and we believe they are the right partner to help us invesgate the possibilies of developing customer-oriented products and services based on it,”says Jan C. Plenge, Senior Vice President with responsibility for Digital innovaon at Nets.
Blockchain is a decentralised technology which can be used, among other things, as documentaon of direct bilateral digital transfers, or to document ownership of contracts, deeds, etc. By joining forces, Nets and Coinify seek to clarify how this technology could be applied commercially and within exisng regulatory frameworks, parcularly within the same high-level security requirements that Nets already applies to other value transacons.
“It is important for Nets to closely monitor new digital technologies to be aware of the possibilies, even if that means blockchain technology could potenally challenge parts of our exisng business. For many years, we have been the ones delivering the latest payment soluons to banks, and we intend to keep it that way, going forward,” Jan C. Plenge connues.
Regarding the partnership, CEO and Co-founder of Coinify Mark Højgaard comments:
“Nets is the leader when it comes to digital payments in the Nordic region and we are delighted with this new partnership, and believe that, together with Nets, we will be able to develop a number of first-class products and services that will ulmately benefit both merchants and consumers.”