Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on January 18, 2013
MobileXpense offers a fully-integrated, web-based travel and expense management solution. With an absolute minimum of up-front investment or project implementation requirement, MobileXpense helps its customers to take out complexity and unnecessary administration from their business processes and achieve significant cost savings very quickly, and with no fuss. On average, 100% ROI is achieved in just five months!
Available through the internet 24/7, MobileXpense fully automates the entire workflow from travel booking (online or offline) to expense reimbursement. Through the interfaces with card issuers MobileXpense enable to automatically integrate all corporate, purchasing and lodged card transactions within the system – keeping manual input to an absolute minimum. MobileXpense systematically checks transactions against specific company policies and against local tax regulations, ensuring compliance effortlessly.
What is more, the entire approval, checking, reimbursement and accounting process is then simplified and automated through, saving your company time and money, and ridding your employees of unwelcome tasks.
Five Top Tips for Reducing Your Travel & Expenses Bill
Recent studies have shown that leading companies are implementing a number of key processes to achieve reductions in their travel and expense management bill. Here are five significant steps on the road to lower T&E expenditure:
1. Set clear and transparent policies
Surprisingly enough, many companies don’t have clearly articulated travel and expense policies to help their employees understand what they should and shouldn’t be spending. In many cases, this is because developing a policy means increasing the managerial workload involved in controlling it. Whereas this may in the past have proved a dilemma, today’s automated expense management systems enable clear policy development and implementation while at the same time reducing the management effort associated with approving or querying employee expenses.
2. Reduce unnecessary travel
Before ensuring that business trips are booked within budget, and that associated expenses are allowable and within company policy, companies deploying best T&E management practice use travel pre-authorisation processes to confirm that travel is necessary in the first place. Conference call, webinar and video-conferencing technologies have all contributed to significant reductions in the necessity for travel, thereby helping companies to achieve substantial cost savings. Employees should always be challenged to think through the possible alternatives to travel!
3. Achieve better preferred supplier rates
Leading companies are proactive in securing the best available rates from airlines, train companies and hotel groups for volume bookings. Case studies demonstrate that they are able to achieve these savings through the use of powerful data collected on their overall year-on-year expenditure in specific T&E categories, putting their travel or procurement professionals in a strong position to negotiate heavily discounted rates. What’s more, having secured those rates, they then make use of versatile reporting tools to ensure their employees use only preferred suppliers wherever possible.
4. Eliminate “wave through”
Reports illustrate that “fraudulent” expense claims cost businesses far less than the high volume of claims which are very slightly above budgetary or policy limits. Approving managers are understandably reluctant to reject or return expense claims containing marginal transactions, and tend in many cases to “wave these through”. Automated expense management systems offer simple tools enabling employees to see “at a glance” where expense transactions are slightly out of policy – and to edit and adjust the value of a claim before it is assessed by a line manager or finance controller. This avoids the hassle and embarrassment of rejection, saves the company money, and speeds up reimbursement.
5. Reclaim all the VAT you can
Expense coding errors on UK claims, as well as the difficulty of managing receipts for overseas transactions, can mean that businesses reclaim far less VAT than they are entitled to. Using an automated expense management platform significantly decreases coding errors, and ensures that VAT records are maintained and reclaimable VAT summed for accounting purposes. Furthermore, professional receipt management services can ensure that maximum VAT is being reclaimed on both UK and foreign transactions, as well as providing reliable and transparent HMRC audit trails.
Using MobileXpense enables businesses to drastically reduce the costs they incur in managing their travel and expense workflows. By all but eradicating manual intervention, around 65% of the indirect costs associated with booking travel, making expense claims, checking receipts, effecting reimbursements and posting transactions into book-keeping systems can be driven out. Not only that: by enabling you effortlessly to implement and control policy and expenditure, erroneous or out-of-policy expenses are a thing of the past. That alone can reduce your overall expenses bill by up to 15%. And with employees receiving their money so much faster, everyone benefits.
Businesses prefer MobileXpense’s flexible, no nonsense approach to customer service and support. Easy to install, easy to operate and easy to use, the MobileXpense solution is uniquely customizable, adapting to your business processes, VAT and governance requirements as extensively as you need. However unique or complex your expense policy or allowance structures, and even if you operate in a multi-site or international environment, MobileXpense has the in-built flexibility to localise components of our service and integrate them into your existing systems, mapping your existing processes rather than requiring you to make changes.
With customers in over 70 countries, MobileXpense offers demonstrable global capability, whilst being proud of the unique local adaptability which sets us apart.
For more information on how MobileXpense could work to help your business reduce costs and increase employee effectiveness quickly, easily and with minimal up-front investment, visit or contact us at [email protected] .