Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on June 27, 2018
Writing a cheque is pretty simple. Anyone can write a cheque and draw money out of the bank by using this instrument. Let us further discuss in detail on How to fill out a cheque.
What is a cheque?
A check or a cheque is a document by which you pass on instructions to your bank, to pay the nominated person or bearer, a specified sum of money.
The document should contain six things:
1, Date
2, Name
3, Amount in words
4, Amount in numbers
5, Signature
6, Counterfoil or cheque details entry.
Though this information written or typed on a piece of paper is enough, to avoid forgery, and frauds, the banks insist on the use of a formal cheque book printed with security features, and something unique to each account, making them hard to forge.
Date in the upper right hand corner.
This should be the same date as that below your signature.
Most cheque books have 8 boxes in the DD/MM/YY format and you fill correctly eg 16/06/1918.
Name of the recipient.
Write the name of the person or company you’re sending the check to next to the
line that says “Pay.” Get correct details of the name of the person or company that you’re writing the cheque to. You can also just pay the check to “Bearer or
Cash,” but be careful while you do that, because that means that anyone can cash it.
Amount of the check to the right of the rupee sign.
Write the exact amount, using Rupees and paisa. If the check is for seventy six thousand six hundred, write Rs 76600/-, write the monetary amount of the check in word form below the “Pay or Order of” line.
Make sure you also express the amount precisely in words like Seventy six thousand six hundred rupees in the required blank.
Sign the check on the line in the bottom right corner.
Your check will be invalid if it is not personally signed. Hence, be sure to always sign the cheque before you hand it over at the bank.
Counterfoil or cheque details entry.
This is optional, but helps you to keep a track of the cheques you have issues, and tally the accounts. Make sure not to leave unnecessary blanks in between any filled up information like pay and rupee because it will give the chance of adding up alphabets or numbers and claim the money.
Important points:
- Check leaves cost money. So don’t waste them by incorrect filling, as errors will invalidate the checks and will be declined by the banks.
- Ensure that you have all data in hand before you begin filling the check to assure that there are no errors while filling out a cheque
- Get the correct name of the recipient. If it is a company, ensure that you have the correct name, spelt in the correct what, and the suffix proper. Ltd, Pvt Ltd, etc.
- The date in the upper right and that below the signature should be same
- Some banks insist on a signature on the back of the cheque, if it is a bearer or cash payable cheque.
Use a black pen as far as possible and write legibly and clearly
And finally ensure that your signature remains the same at all places and matches to the available and existing signature in bank records.