Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on November 7, 2014
Mr Zaiwalla is the first ever Asian to set up an international city law firm in London. He has represented clients such as The Gandhis to Bank Mellat to Dalai Lama to the Hong Kong Government.
“The issue over EU migration is now taking on worrying diplomatic overtones. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has warned that the UK is dangerously close to crossing the point of no return. In other words, the EU is based on the principles of the free movement of goods, services and people, and one Member State should not seek to impose restrictions to those fundamental precepts. Therefore, if the UK wants to limit the number of EU nationals migrating to this country then the solution, in the German Chancellor’s view, is for the UK either to accept EU rules on migration or to leave the EU. Mr Cameron’s position is that limiting migration will be in Britain’s best interest, but that really depends on whether limiting the free movement of foreign workers will actually benefit the economy? The UK economy has a great need for specialist skills that foreign workers bring to this economy; if we wish to compete with other nations, we need the free movement of labour. Immigration policy needs to take into account the long term needs of the economy, rather than responding to short term political objectives. Britain’s primary focus should be to maintain migration that benefits the economy and put restriction on migration which is purely to gain from Britain’s social security benefits. In the run up to a general election it can be tempting to acquiesce to popular opinion focused on the negative aspects of international migration and to lay this at the door of the EU, without regard to the overall benefits that have been derived by the UK through membership in the EU. However, these are important questions, and the UK’s membership in the EU, if it is to be put in question at all, should not be done so for purely political or emotive reasons stemming from a single issue.” Mr SaroshZaiwalla, Founder and Senior Partner at Zaiwalla& Co Solicitors.