Posted By Gbaf News
Posted on September 26, 2018
Laura Hanen served as Chief of Government Affairs of the National Association of County & City Health Officials; Elaine Vining is a former FDA legislative staffer who also worked on health care matters for US Dept. of Education
The District Policy Group, the bipartisan government affairs shop affiliated with law firm Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, announced it has added two senior advisors with substantial health care expertise at the federal, state and local levels.
Their arrival enhances District Policy Group’s already strong positioning as a leading government relations firm on national legislative and regulatory health care issues.
Joining the District Policy Group as Senior Vice President is Laura Hanen, while coming on board as Special Advisor is Elaine Vining. Both bring particular experience in representing clients before Congress and federal agencies, engaging in grassroots advocacy, and forging alliances and coalitions in all facets of health care.
Ms. Hanen brings a career rich in government relations experience, on Capitol Hill and within national trade associations. Most recently she served as Chief of Government Affairs and an Interim Executive Director at the National Association of County and City Health Officials, which advocates for improved health in local communities; NACCHO is comprised of nearly 3,000 local health departments across the country.
In addition to command of health policy at all levels of government, Ms. Hanen brings a long record of success in procuring funding through the federal budget and appropriations process, securing authorizing statutes and reauthorization of existing federal programs, and convening coalitions centered on shared federal funding and advocacy priorities.
“For more than 25 years, Laura has demonstrated that she excels at the type of direct lobbying, strategic advocacy, legislative and regulatory analysis, and political acumen that are essential to advancing our clients’ interests,” said Ilisa Halpern Paul, President of the District Policy Group. “Laura’s career has centered on working on behalf of health care providers, public health interests, and the biopharma and health technology industries. She is an All-Star match for our team and our clients.”
Ms. Vining’s background in federal health care includes four years in the Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Legislation, as well as service with the U.S. Department of Education and a Congressional committee, giving her an insider’s view of federal health care policy. She also has experience within non-profit patient and provider organizations and coalition management. Ms. Vining had an earlier stint with the District Policy Group prior to her term at the FDA.
“Elaine’s 35 years of policy and advocacy experience and countless relationships forged in Washington allows us to continue to provide the unique blend of access and substance that sets us apart,” said Ms. Halpern Paul. “We and our clients are excited to have Elaine return to the District Policy Group.”